Monday, December 24, 2007

What is the range of the hybrid stealth bomber?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

In 2030 the US and EU are going to need to attack China for excessive carbon output to save the planet, unfortunately the hybrid stealth bomber won't have the range to do the job.

The communists rationed resources to the public due to a lack of availability of products and services created out of the inefficiencies of socialism. If they had only known about global warming they could have had citizens willing submit to rationing and inferior products to save the planet like America is doing today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One of the propaganda tools employed by the communists was suppressing embarrassing information, like in East Germany when they stopped publishing suicide statistics officially because the totals were alarmingly high. In 1998 California the state that accounts for almost 25% of abortions in the US stopped reporting statistics officially.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Al-gor-a-phobia (noun):

Fear that white male republican policies on the environment inside the United States of America are causing catastrophic man-made global warming in order to destroy the planet earth while getting rich from oil. AL Gore was the vice president under William Clinton for 8 years and attempted to steal the 2000 presidential election in Florida through the use of selective recounts before he was stopped by the Supreme Court for violating the US constitution. Former VP Gore has gone on to predict apocalyptic destruction of the planet due to man-made global warming. His latest predictions indicate the earth will be destroyed in less than 10 years. (For a up to date timeline see is no known cure for Algor-a-phobia, however treatment is being pioneered by conservative radio along with others in the conservative movement. The most afflicted demographic are wealthy white liberals, democrat politicians, Hollywood stars and the entire continent of Europe

If the Soviet's had foreseen the current crop of appease-nick's coming to power and trying to surrender to a 8th century band of rebels they would have never given back Eastern Europe.