Monday, December 10, 2007

Al-gor-a-phobia (noun):

Fear that white male republican policies on the environment inside the United States of America are causing catastrophic man-made global warming in order to destroy the planet earth while getting rich from oil. AL Gore was the vice president under William Clinton for 8 years and attempted to steal the 2000 presidential election in Florida through the use of selective recounts before he was stopped by the Supreme Court for violating the US constitution. Former VP Gore has gone on to predict apocalyptic destruction of the planet due to man-made global warming. His latest predictions indicate the earth will be destroyed in less than 10 years. (For a up to date timeline see is no known cure for Algor-a-phobia, however treatment is being pioneered by conservative radio along with others in the conservative movement. The most afflicted demographic are wealthy white liberals, democrat politicians, Hollywood stars and the entire continent of Europe

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